Pepper certified supply chain

Quality peppers, from field to jar
Our pestos and preserved vegetables are made using 100% Italian peppers, grown and harvested by our carefully selected supply chain farms.
Peppers are harvested, transported to our factories and processed within a 24-hour period to gurantee freshness. That’s why Polli peppers taste as good as they do!
Certified traceability
Polli governs the supply chain. From sowing to production, we define the regulations that all participants of the supply chain must follow.
We’re proud to share our certifications, issued by CSQA, a leading body in the Italian agri-food certification sector.
The Polli pepper supply chain is certified CSQA – ISO22005 cert. n. 80596 – DTP035 cert. n. 80597.

Find out more about our Sustainability commitment
Our journey so far, the impact of our initiatives and how we will work towards improving our footprint and achieving our sustainability goals.
Discover moreWhat’s inside a Polli Pesto Alla Calabrese?